Ubuntu Member, Interview with Nathan Handler
You-in-Ubuntu – Just posted, new interview with Nathan Handler. Nathan gave the Ubuntu Membership session during Karmic Open Week. Wanna...
Follow along as I share...it's never boring and I just might learn something.
You-in-Ubuntu – Just posted, new interview with Nathan Handler. Nathan gave the Ubuntu Membership session during Karmic Open Week. Wanna...
SCaLE 8x – WIOS (Women in Open Source) Event – Call for Papers ends on January 15, 2010. If you...
I was looking back over my shoulder at 2009 and turned to face 2010 and realized – WOW! I started...
So it’s official there will be an UbuCon at SCaLE 8x. (February 19-21, 2010 in Southern California) There will be...
Just wanted to take a moment and remind folks of the Ubuntu Women Leadership Appointment process and the milestones we...