Ubuntu Women, Moving and SELF (Southeast Linux Fest)
Southeast Linux Fest is going to be held at Clemson, South Carolina on Saturday, June 13, 2009. If you can make it please do. http://www.southeastlinuxfest.org/ If you are planning on attending please take a few minutes to register. The event is free, but registration helps for planning purposes.
There was an Ubuntu-Women’s meeting held on Thursday June 4, 2009. It was a great meeting. Minutes and logs can be found here. Goals, Goals, and more goals. 🙂 Forward motion…
Won’t have time to write too much over the next few weeks. We are moving and I am having surgery on my elbow. As soon as we get settled and my arm heals I’ll write more.
Have a great weekend and I hope to write more in a few days if not you know why. :-D!